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The Mysterious Ledge


ISBN: 9781954932067 SKU: N/A Categories: , ,
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“All of a sudden thunder sounded. A strong north wind blew the swirling clouds apart creating an opening to the heavens above. It was there that the images of past chiefs from generations long ago formed and lingered, high above the ledge.”

The Mysterious Ledge is written about a young boy, Georgy Walker, who lives in the Cowichan Valley which is located on the western coast of Vancouver Island. Georgy is mesmerized by an eagle circling high above a lone standing tree out on the ledge of a nearby mountain, and wants desperately to climb up to it.

Georgy befriends and becomes mentored by an old First Nations Chief who inspires him through teaching and storytelling. One afternoon Georgy naps in a clover field and dreams climbing to the mountain top. His dream changes the course of his life forever.

The Mysterious Ledge walks you along the First Nation, white folks ledge, informing readers of ecological issues in an entertaining, fairy-tale fashion.

My target audience is young readers but once read, this story will awaken the inspired child in all of us. It did for me.


eBook, Hardcover, Paperback


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